Strong in Community Archives - Strong As Hec

Category Archives for Strong in Community

The World is Lost

The world is lost… and it’s going to require virtuous MEN to bring it back.But where are all the “men?”Today we live in a world of uninitiated men. Men who lack identity and don’t know whether or not we have what it takes.The Catholic Church has failed us when it comes to letting us know […]

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How to Create Boundaries

“Sharing in and of itself creates boundaries but from a place of charity.”A few weeks ago I was talking with one of my students and they made a great observation about creating boundaries. I think we all struggle with setting boundaries for ourselves so we can be better and bring more to our community.Many of […]

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Hardstyle Manifesto

“For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it. ~ Matthew 7:14(Emphasis is mine) [1996] My stepfather took me to find my first job. Our first stop… Golden Corral here in Corpus Christi, Tx (I was 16 years old.). I ended up getting a job as […]

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