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Category Archives for Strong in Body

Kettlebells Meet 75 HARD

’The way is hard which leads to salvation.’~ Matthew 7:14 The name of my company is the HARDSTYLE ACADEMY where we help men develop discipline so they can do hard things and become the strongest, most elite, version of themselves. When I learned about 75 HARD… I knew it was a match made in heavy. Things […]

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4 Ways to Sustainable Fat Loss

‘Lots of people want EVERYTHING and do NOTHING.’This was the “motivational quote” from my Power List. And it got me thinking. WHY? Why do people want to be able to do ‘X’ but instead do ‘Y’ when it comes to their strength and fat loss efforts? We call this behavior cognitive dissonance. Cognitive Dissonance: When your beliefs and […]

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Bucketing (Part 3)

‘I heard you in the garden; but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid’.(8) When they heard the sound of the LORD God, walking about in the garden at the breezy time of day, the man and his wife hid themselves from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. (9) The […]

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The Paradox of Resistance

‘Just realized that I’m sabotaging myself by resisting the very thing that will stop me from sabotaging myself!’ This was a message I got from one our students while he was “on mission.” Resistance is a tricky paradox. It can serve as fuel for growth or it can pull you down to ruin. Think about it. In the […]

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Performance Progression Pyramid

‘Checked a box yesterday. Double beast ‘strict press.’I got this message from one of my colleagues in StrongFirst leadership the other day. It was a video of him pressing a pair of 48kg bells (AKA: the Double Beast Press). Said he attempted this feat ~15 years ago at his level one RKC in 2007. I hit […]

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