Time Was NEVER The Issue… - Strong As Hec

Time Was NEVER The Issue…

One of the biggest struggles I always hear from students and potential students istime keeps them from committing to their training (read: workouts), eating the right foods, and… taking care of their body/health.

And it’s easy to believe my friend.

Whether you’re working full-time or in school, taking care of a home, a family, or a combination of those things…

… it’s true, humans are busier than they’ve ever been.

But if this time in quarantine has shown men one thing it’s… time was never the issue.

Call it lack of motivation, lack of accountability... call it what you will.

Men are still struggling to take care of their health (mental and physical) to be the man they've been called to be... despite having all the time in the world.

And we’ve always known it’s not time but rather priorities and discipline.

Because if in normal times two equally busy men… can have very different health and fitness levels, time is the equalizer, not the divider.

What, if anything, has this time taught you about yourself?

Have you become more or less fit?

How is it affecting the commitment you’ll make once the world reopens?

Drop a  comment and let me know! 👇🏾

(Or shoot me a DM here on FB messenger)

Talk soon,

- hec g.

  • Jesse Cox says:

    I gotta say time or a loss of it does not help. With this being my last week working from home, I am returning to a schedule where 5 hours (and now with a ridiculous road construction project likely 7.5 hours) of my week is gifted to commuting. I also lose the time of day I found worked best for me to do my workouts.

    Not gonna lie, I have a lot of dread in this, but I will make it work. No excuses, but I have to be conscious of how I use my time. Yet another adjustment, but I can make it work.

    • Hey Jesse,

      Thanks for the comment man. I hear you… losing time is NEVER a good thing.
      And sucks to hear you spend so much time on the road.

      But here the truth… we make time for what is important.

      And from your comment, you’re doing what it takes to get to your goals, 5 hour commute be dammed.

      That’s what make you different from anyone else.

      And you’re 100% spot on… being conscious and protective of our time is the “secret”.

      I can’t say enough for boundaries.

      I guard my time for training and getting in my “me time” like I would my children.
      Because If I’m not where I need to be (mentally and physically)… I will fail to be who I need to be for my wife, kids, and fellow man.

      Keep up the great work dude!

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