’The way is hard which leads to salvation.’~ Matthew 7:14 The name [... Read More]
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8 expertly designed kettlebell programs to get you in ridiculous shape
... in less than 45 minutes per week -- so you can spend less time in the gym and more time with your family!
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‘Lots of people want EVERYTHING and do NOTHING.’This was the "motivational quote" [... Read More]
"Your wound is a gift. And it's that wound where you'll find [... Read More]
SAH Foundations
Express Course
Bulletproof your hips & shoulders to become "unbreakable" for life...
... so you can spend more time with your family!
fresh workouts
(When You're In a "Time-Crunch")
4 Secret Soviet Strategies to Get YOU in Ridiculous Shape in 33.5 Minutes Per Week!
"you don't even need to step foot in a gym..."
Become "injury-free"
(Time-Saving, Body-Saving Mobility Shortcuts)
Bulletproof your hips & shoulders to become "unbreakable" for life...
... so you can spend more time with your family!
man up mindset
(Become A Better Man, Husband, and Father)
“11 Progress-Destroying Blunders
You're Making With Your Strength and Fat Loss Efforts Right Now.”
... drop your name and email below so I can help you avoid them ASAP...
time-saving techniques
(To ensure you're working out correctly & staying injury-free)
"Bulletproof" your body to in 30 minutes (or less) per day with this easy-to-follow FUNdamentals course.
... using the two most efficient exercises on the planet (the swing and getup).
SAH Foundations
Express Course
Bulletproof your hips & shoulders to become "unbreakable" for life...
... so you can spend more time with your family!
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