Reflections on Training and Life

Category Archives for Reflections on Training and Life

Cajones, Self-love, Discipline, and the Recipe for Physical Success

Last week the topic of conversation was on the boring but hyper-effective concept of self-discipline.*YAWN*I talked about how self-discipline is self-love.I shared how I began training Jiu-Jitsu on Sunday’s — to pull me out of my comfort zone/vegetative state and doing something active each day… … even on Sunday.Well, I decided to keep the theme […]

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What is “Self-Love”?

If you want to be happy — you MUST love yourself and… to love yourself you MUST discipline your behavior because — the road to sustained happiness IS through self-disciplined behavior. So, self-discipline IS self-love. You may be wondering, how does one self-discipline their behavior?  By doing the things “you know you should be doing”  — even if […]

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REASONS # 43,120–121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, and 127 to Stay Fit

I don’t know if you know this or not but—I’m probably the most fit “lazy person” you’ll meet. More on that in a second, first I want to address something… When I’m out in public (which is rare) or at social gatherings people have made comments (jokingly or not) like:“I didn’t know you could eat *that*?”“Uh oh, […]

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