When a circus buys an elephant, they shackle it to a stake and drive that stake deep into the ground. No matter how hard this defenseless baby elephant pulls to get away… it cannot pull the stake from the ground—it’s trapped. This little guy pulls again the next day, the day after that, and the day […]
Continue readingOne of the biggest struggles I always hear from students and potential students is… time keeps them from committing to their training (read: workouts), eating the right foods, and… taking care of their body/health. And it’s easy to believe my friend. Whether you’re working full-time or in school, taking care of a home, a family, or a […]
Continue readingI was talking with my wife this past Saturday morning and… while contemplating the decisions I’ve made in my life when it came to my health, biz/career, and our marriage. I could trace the successes in my life to times when I made QUICK decisions. And I can trace my struggles in life to times where I […]
Continue readingLast night we wrapped up a great conversation in our men’s support call. Around the topic of results. Results is an interesting topic… as it’s one of our “natural laws” which reveals TRUTH. Kinda like mathematics. You can’t argue math and numbers as they’re natural revelation. My good friend and mentor (Sup Rick!) said something to me once and I’ve […]
Continue readingSup man! Wanted to take a moment to share Brian’s story of how he went from feeling OVERWHELMED as a busy dad of 3 (including twins), running multiple businesses, and finding time for his strength training.Feelings of FAILURE and DEFEAT were setting in as his deadline to recertifying his kettlebell certification was 5 weeks away.Check […]
Continue readingNotifications