Hector Gutierrez Jr.

All Posts by Hector Gutierrez

The Perfect Storm

“I’m not worried about losing weight.”This is a very common response from guy when I ask them about their goals. And that’s good because FAT LOSS and body recomposition should be the main objective. But what happens when you lose body fat? You lose weight. Wait, what?!?!?! I know, shocking! Today I wanna share why fat loss, weight loss, whatever […]

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Are you “Busy?”

“I’m busy!” ~ Everyone in the worldEvery tell yourself this? Or you ask a friend, “hey, how are you doin’?” And the reply is always, “man I’m SO busy.” Like it’s some badge of honor. This’s a common theme for most people. It’s the reason we start things but never finish. It’s the reason we don’t get our workouts in. The reason […]

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