I AM your constant companion.I AM your greatest helper or heaviest burden.I WILL push you forward or drag you to failure.I AM completely at your command.Half the things you do, you might as well turn over to me, and I will be able to do them quickly, & correctly.I AM easily managed but — you […]
Continue readingHey! It’s me, your conscience, again.Before I get into the 4 steps, I wanna to tell you about the life of a circus elephant.When a circus buys an elephant, they shackle it to a stake and drive it deep into the ground.No matter how hard this defenseless baby elephant pulls to get away…… it cannot […]
Continue readingHey!, it’s me, your conscience. It’s been a while since we’ve had a long talk about what you’ve been up to. I’ve sat back and witnessed some internal and external things distract you lately, like: [•] Not making time to workout. [•] Stressing over your weight the last few years and how your clothes have been feeling on this body we inhabit. [•] Feeling like a loser […]
Continue readingI talk a lot about strength training and how it transforms YOU into a better man, husband, and father.Well…I had the pleasure of being a guest on one of my good friend’s podcast. His name is Brian Robinson and is doing some AMAZING things for men by helping us get our message out about fatherhood.In […]
Continue readingAs I’ve looked back on my lifting career (which is short compared to my mentors) to see if I could pinpoint why I’ve been so successful in becoming “unbreakable”, getting stupid-strong pretty dang fast, and regenerating so quickly after liver donation surgery… … one common theme wasbecoming obsessed with the process, taking my time, and flat […]
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