Reflections on Training and Life

Category Archives for Reflections on Training and Life

Ch 1 of 5: We Need To talk…

Hey!, it’s me, your conscience. It’s been a while since we’ve had a long talk about what you’ve been up to. I’ve sat back and witnessed some internal and external things distract you lately, like: [•] Not making time to workout. [•] Stressing over your weight the last few years and how your clothes have been feeling on this body we inhabit. [•] Feeling like a loser […]

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Why Have I Been Successful?

As I’ve looked back on my lifting career (which is short compared to my mentors) to see if I could pinpoint why I’ve been so successful in becoming “unbreakable”, getting stupid-strong pretty dang fast, and regenerating so quickly after liver donation surgery…  … one common theme wasbecoming obsessed with the process, taking my time, and flat […]

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