Calling ALL BJJ men, husbands, and dads — in today’s post I’m gonna give you a peak behind the scenes of how to stay in “Jiu-Jitsu shape” even when you can’t make it to the mat 3-4 (who am I kidding, you’re addicted and want to train EVERY DAY) days a week. For the past 4 […]
Continue readingAfter 12 weeks of inactivity–I have some “disconnection” in my abdominals (nerves are still regenerating) along with some thoracic and hip stiffness. So I thought I’d share with you my exact process of restoring my mobility for BJJ and getting back to the iron. As I write this, I’m currently wrapping up week 3 of my […]
Continue readingI’ve said the double kettlebell clean and press (and it’s variations) is pound for pound the best exercise on the planet for BJJ, and it is! But today […]
Continue readingIn Jiu-Jitsu and kettlebells hips are everything! The more hip mobility you have, the more capable you’ll be of maximizing your strength potential and not only that — it also forges a more resilient body to resist submissions and potential injury (which I’ll get into at the end of this post). In my 20 years […]
Continue readingAs I look back I notice I’ve had some of the best conversations with my BJJ brothers after an intense rolling session. The topics were rarely about BJJ (or the latest BJJ technique of the week). It’s usually about work, personal stuff at home or their faith. To be honest, I’m not sure why I’ve opened […]
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