“I’m not worried about losing weight.”This is a very common response from guy when I ask them about their goals. And that’s good because FAT LOSS and body recomposition should be the main objective. But what happens when you lose body fat? You lose weight. Wait, what?!?!?! I know, shocking! Today I wanna share why fat loss, weight loss, whatever […]
Continue readingWelcome back to the Ol’ blog my man. In this post we’re breaking down the 5 mistakes you’re making with the kettlebell clean as part of our common kettlebell mistakes series.In the first post, we broke down the Kettlebell Swing and had some great feedback so I’m excited to dive into this one.Why?Because the Kettlebell […]
Continue readingIn today’s post we’re kicking off a new series on the blog. The “Common Mistakes Series.” And today we’re gonna crack open the 5 mistakes you’re making with the kettlebell swing.Why the Swing, first? Because it’s the most recognized, and more bastardized in my opinion, in the “Kettlebell Canon.”Check it out… 5 Mistakes You’re Making with […]
Continue readingSup man… in today’s post I’m gonna show you how to improve speed, agility, & quickness with One Kettlebell. And we won’t be talking about the swing, snatch, or kettlebell jerks. But the Viking Push-Press (VPP).The VPP was brought to life in Pavel’s book, Return of the Kettlebell — which I believe is no longer […]
Continue readingIn my last post, we started a new post series on the best exercises to build more muscle using the press, squat, and deadlift. These are so effective because they cross multiple muscle groups and joints. Today we’ll be diving into compound lifts… not to be confused with compound exercises. Compared to isolation exercises which cross […]
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