Action Attraction Method: How to Get What You Want in Life
In today's post I'm gonna talk about the, "Action Attraction Method" and how to get what you want in life. If you relate to any of these...
... then you'll find this post helpful.
If you've been stuck for any period of time in your journey as a man for more than a couple of months -- this is NOT normal. Then I'm willing to bet you've skipped one of the 7 steps in Action Attraction Method.
Action Attraction Method: How to Get What You Want in Life...

Here's another way to look at the steps.
Wound ➡️ Story ➡️ Thoughts ➡️ Values ➡️ Clarity ➡️ Vision ➡️ Aligned-Action

"I dive into this a little more here on the vicious 4 step cycle holding you back.
Where you're sitting right now in your life is a result of an experience -- i.e., a wound -- you received as a youngster.
From there you told yourself a story of said wound -- whether it was a physical or psychological wound.
This story creates thoughts and potential limited belief patterns.
From there your thoughts set your values allowing you to get clear on the outcome you want!
And this's likely the MISSING PIECE for you and why you're stuck.
You haven't gotten clear on the exact outcome you want. If you're gonna overcome the obstacles in your life... whether they're health, relationships, or biz related.
You've gotta get CLEAR and understand WHAT it looks like on the other side of your obstacle -- or circumstance.
Only when you get clear on the exact outcome.
Does your mind put on it's hardhat and go to work to attract the right solution for you. Only then do all the planets, stars, etc... come into alignment -- in your interest -- to lay your desires at your feet.
"But Hector... I don't know what success would even look like."
Fair enough.
If this is the case...
Then you lack vision -- step 6 -- back up a few steps and identify where in the A.A.M you're stuck.
Men who don't know WHAT success would looks like -- or what would make them happy with what they see in the mirror. Is a result of... skipping the other steps in the Action Attraction Method.
They've refused to get clear on their psychological wounds and face themselves.
They're stuck in the stories and lies they've been telling themselves for years. About WHY they can't stay consistent.
WHY they don't have time, etc.
But here's what I know to be true.
The only way to create a vision of what you want in life -- so you can align your actions to your purpose -- is to get CLEAR on the exact outcome you want.
And to gain clarity... you must take a look at your value system. Show me someones results and I will show you what they value. Because your values are the guiding principles of your actions.
Which are a consequence of your thoughts and stories. These stories -- which feel VERY real -- are tied to your wounds and life experiences.
Until you get clear on steps 1-4... you'll struggle with steps 5-7.
Leaving you trapped in your vicious, Toxic Cycle. Continuing to struggle with consistency aaaand... NEVER finishing what you've started.
It's important to get CLEAR on the exact outcome you want so you can cast your vision and align your actions to your purpose.
Appreciate ya giving this a read.
hec g.
P.S. - If you wanna discover how to do this. How to gain clarity on the outcome YOU want... so you can be more consistent -- and be more effective. Then you'll find this helpful.