Playing Life on "HARD" - Strong As Hec

Playing Life on “HARD”

The first time I played FIFA on the Sega Genesis I was ~13 years old. It was the first edition of what became "The FIFA Empire" in the world of video games.

There was only 3 levels of difficulty at the time.

  • Amateur
  • Semi-Pro
  • Professional

I started at "amateur."

And after a few days, progressed to semi-pro and won the word cup. I pretty much spent most of my time playing FIFA at the intermediate level.

One day I grew a pair big enough to play with the big boys on "professional" ("HARD").

Wanna know what happened?


I got my *ss handed to me.

As my skill improved I began running up the score.

And eventually was crushing the CPU 15-0 against.

It felt like I was cheating.

(And I was, I was cheating myself)

I moved up to HARD again.

Another blood bath.

I couldn’t score for sh*t, LOL!

Eventually, I won the World Cup and was soon running up the score again. Then one Friday night, I fired up the Sega but this time, I played on amateur again.

I'm sure you can guess what happened.


It was like taking candy from a baby.

What does this have to do with you?

As I look back.

I realized I was playing small and staying in "amateur" and "semi-pro” mode to stroke my ego.

I was taking the easy route because…

I didn't like the taste "playing on HARD" left in my mouth.

So I stayed in my comfort zone.

But as I adapted…

I got better.

Over the years I developed this mentality of  "playing life on hard" in every area of my life.

  • Mentally
  • Physically
  • Emotionally.
  • Spiritually.

(Just ask my wife, HA!)

Anytime I take on a new task/project.

I ask myself.

"What’s the "hardest' way to do this?"

Any by "hardest", I don’t mean complicated.

Living life on HARD means… building discipline to "going all in."

No half ass'ing anything.

No "Plan B."

No "maybes."

No "if, thens."

No, "I'll give it a try."

Can you identify an area in your life where you’ve been taking the easy road? Where you've been avoiding hard things?

Where you've been playing in "amateur mode" so you can stay comfortable and please your ego?

If so, let me know in the comments

Your brother in strength,

hec g.

P.S. If you’re tired of playin' small, taking the easy road, and know you’re NOT living your best life. The solution is building DISCIPLINE so you can grow in virtue and be the man your family and community is depending on.

If you don't know how to build discipline (most men, if not all, have never been shown how to build discipline). I'd like to invite you to our private community.

Inside is a group of men "on mission" to build discipline so they can become the strongest version of themselves.

Once you're inside, shoot me a DM and say hello.

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