Better Mobility with Kettlebells Archives - Strong As Hec

Category Archives for Better Mobility with Kettlebells

Improving Flexibility With a Sunday Morning “Freestyle”

Today I wanna talk about recovery, improving flexibility, and becoming more resilient. I’ll also address how much time you should be spending here.While following a strategic approach to improving flexibility and boosting recovery is important… I also feel there are days when you should move and see where YOUR body wants to go for the […]

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Better Mobility for BJJ

After 12 weeks of inactivity–I have some “disconnection” in my abdominals (nerves are still regenerating) along with some thoracic and hip stiffness. So I thought I’d share with you my exact process of restoring my mobility for BJJ and getting back to the iron. As I write this, I’m currently wrapping up week 3 of my […]

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