Today I wanna talk about recovery, improving flexibility, and becoming more resilient. I’ll also address how much time you should be spending here.While following a strategic approach to improving flexibility and boosting recovery is important… I also feel there are days when you should move and see where YOUR body wants to go for the […]
Continue readingSo many men (and women) I speak with on a daily basis for whatever reason — avoid recovery, mobility, and flexibility like the plague.Either because they don’t “have the time” to get it in or they fear doing it wrong and making things worse so…… they leave it out all together.Until they tweak their back, […]
Continue readingThe other day I was talking with Jake and Patricia and some how we got on the topic of “strength standards”. As in… What is the bare minimum you should be able to do? It got me thinking and I thought I’d throw a quick checklist together for you of some “stuff” I think is pretty important and […]
Continue readingIn today’s post, I’m gonna show you how to get in an awesome total body strength & power for BJJ “workout” (it’s not really a workout but rather a ‘maintenance’ sessions). Bodyweight has been one of my most challenging disciplines post surgery. Unlike kettlebells and barbells where you can manipulate the weight — your bodyweight is, well, […]
Continue readingAfter 12 weeks of inactivity–I have some “disconnection” in my abdominals (nerves are still regenerating) along with some thoracic and hip stiffness. So I thought I’d share with you my exact process of restoring my mobility for BJJ and getting back to the iron. As I write this, I’m currently wrapping up week 3 of my […]
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