Articles - Strong As Hec

(Part 4) The Path of Ownership

“Where you place the blame is where the power goes.”~ Alex Hormozi(If you’re just joining us, we’re in the middle of our “Rage” series. If you want to catch up on past pieces––for context––you can read parts 1, 2, and 3 here.) Based on your triggers in life––a result of emotional, psychological, and physical wounds––you develop […]

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The Soul-Chasing Life

Before I close out the “Rage email series” I wanna pause for a second and set some context for the remaining posts to come. St. Augustine of Hippo-Confessions(p.89) Why follow your flesh, perverted soul? Rather let it follow you, once you are converted. “Perversion of soul”: Without loving rightly, God first and all else in God, […]

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