The Perfect Storm
"I'm not worried about losing weight."
This is a very common response from guy when I ask them about their goals. And that's good because FAT LOSS and body recomposition should be the main objective.
But what happens when you lose body fat?
You lose weight.
Wait, what?!?!?!
I know, shocking!
Today I wanna share why fat loss, weight loss, whatever you wanna call it should be your number one concern. Especially as you get over the age of 30.
Wait, wait, waiiiiiit a second Hector!
You said we should focus on getting stronger first?
Yes, this is correct.
But after a foundation of strength has been set?
Priority #1: Get the Fat Off!
Here's WHY.
Ever heard of her?
Primarily a female hormone but... men have it too. And too much estrogen triggers the Perfect Storm.
More on this in a sec... but first.
Did you know...
There are certain chemicals that mimc estrogen?
It's in E-V-E-R-Y-THING.
Numerous products, plastics, food, and our water. The chemicals which mimic estrogen are called, "Xenoestrogens." And they're wreaking havoc on men -- and women.
For years there's been an over feminization of our nutrition.
- Soy products.
- Petroleum-based chemical additives.
- Hormones in food (these mimic estrogen)
- Pesticides (these mimic estrogen)
- Most of our animal food is female.
- Male animals are castrated or the meat is treated with estrogen to tenderize the meat.
All these products and chemicals unleash the silent assassin men aren't aware of. And it's killing your testosterone and ability to be the man you've been called to be.
This silent assassin is called.
And it triggers...
"The Perfect Storm"

"The Perfect Storm"
As I mentioned... Xenoestrogens trigger aromatase.
Not to mention... the more fat you have, the more aromatase activity you produce. From there, aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen.
(I bet you didn't know that, did ya?)
What does this mean?
More estrogen.
More estrogen = more body fat.
And more body fat produces more estrogen.
Which leads to... you guessed it.
MORE body fat...
I call this vicious cycle... "The Perfect Storm."
What does this mean for YOU?
Say hello to the "dad bod" and soft man boobs (YAY!). Aaaaand goodbye to your sex life (wait, WHAT?! Yeah dude sorry... POOF, gone).
If you've noticed a dip in your energy.
It's harder to lose weightโโdespite your age.
And your sex drive is down?
Then my friend, you're trapped in The Perfect Storm.
Good news is.
There's a way to counter balance this by launching a full on anti-estrogenic assault.
I talk about how to do that here.
See you on the other side.
hec g.
P.S. - Seriously... if you wanna fight the good fight against estrogen, and even reverse the aging process, this is the "non-medical" way to get it done.
I'm pullin' for ya.