“Ten & Two, Thumb Side Grip, Let’er Rip!” - Strong As Hec

“Ten & Two, Thumb Side Grip, Let’er Rip!”

Last weekend we officially launched Kettlebell Berserk! and during the recording of the kourse videos -- I came up with a little "saying" -- a "mantra" if you will... 

"... Ten & Two, Thumb Side Grip, Let'er Rip!"

A while back I wrote a post on what I learned from Geoff Neupert's teachings on the 4 grip nuances to lifting your kettlebells (you can check out that post here).

I followed it up with another post on the 3 particular grips you must master to get the most out of your workouts (especially the jerk).

And not only that -- how to prevent your hands from succumbing to a callus-invested mess -- leading you to perpetual hand tears (you can check out that post here)...

... ultimately putting the breaks on the results you envisioned when you got your first kettlebells.

In today's post I'm gonna give you a sneak-peek into one of the lessons of the KBB Kourse.

How to execute the best position to attain the false grip & transform your double jerk skill over-night...

... well, not "over-night" -- even better -- in less than 15 minutes.

Why should this be important to you?  Simple -- the finer your technique is, the more efficient you'll be with your movements.

Which means, you'll recover faster than Wolverine, lift more weight, catapult some ridiculous strength gains, and strangle your body fat into submission faster than any Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt badass.

Give this set up a try and let me know how it goes.

🥋 Hec

P.S. If you liked today's post and received some eye-opening value -- you're gonna love Kettlebell Berserk!: The Kourse.

What is Kettlebell Berserk!: The Kourse you ask?

In a nutshell: It's the lost treasure map to building lean muscle, getting in mutant-like shape, becoming a badass in life, and virtually "unbreakable" for Jiu-Jitsu -- using what I call, "the black belt of kettlebell lifts" -- the double kettlebell jerk.

Here's the deal -- till this Monday (28 July 2019) morning at 08:00 CST... 

I'm hooking up the first 50 readers with 4 KILLER Bonuses when you purchase Kettlebell Berserk! --  valued at $387!

Bonus #1

Simple Workout In the Morning (S.W.I.M) eBook—If you're stressed for time, just getting back into it, and not sure "where to start" -- this 28 day road map helps you go from the couch to badass-status in 10 minutes or less per day.  I call it going for your daily morning S.W.I.M.

(Cleaver, eh? I thought so.... ;])

On pg. 6 -- I help you integrate silence and affirmations into your first morning S.W.I.M and prepare you to finally tackle your goals and live a life worth living -- on your terms -- ultimately showing your children what it IS to be the man of the house and the best version of YOU!

Because in the end, your children want to be Just. Like. *YOU*Are you leading by example?  You're their superhero!

Pg. 11 -- Unveils my, Stupid Simple 3-Step Nutrition Plan and gives you the “basics” and I mean “basic” on nutrition.  Stuff you'll probably say “yeah, I know” but... you still aren’t doing it. There's no point in "counting macros" if you don't have the basics down.

$27 Value

Bonus #2

Kettlebell Berserk!: The Lost Chapters—the remaining 2 plans which didn’t make it into the final draft of KBB and you get to reap the benefits.

Even though they didn’t make the cut—these are some badass, time-saving, results-getting plans, and now you'll have even more workouts in your arsenal to bleed weakness out of your life.

$52 Value

Bonus #3

Kettlebell Berserk!: The Course—taught by yours truly to guide you step-by-step around the inevitable obstacles you'll come across to ensure you're executing everything correctly.

One of the most common responses I got from the beta testers of this plan was, "they didn't realize they were doing the jerk wrong the whole time."

This is the closest thing to having a Senior StrongFirst instructor coming to your home and privately coaching you.

$97 Value

Bonus #4

My 6 Week Kettlebell Coaching Corner Program—6 weeks of eye-opening coaching from me -- direct to your email inbox! You'll have direct access to me to coach and guide you through phase 1 of Rōnin.

If you experienced the expertise and insights I brought in DKBM -- you're gonna love the KB Koaching Corner Program.

$197 Value

To wrap up -- here's what you're getting:

  • Kettlebell Berserk!: The Workout Plans—14 weeks of killer, results-getting workouts. ($81, $67)
  • Kettlebell Berserk!: The Course—Step-by-step video kourse to ensure you're doing it right. ($97)
  • Kettlebell Berserk!The Lost Chapters—more kickass goal-smashing workouts! ($52)
  • Simple Workout In the Morning eBookHow to go from the couch to badass-status in 28 days. ($27)
  • 6 Wk KB Coaching Corner Program—Direct coaching from me to your email inbox to ensure success. ($197)

Total value: $454

But as a reader, you're not paying even close to that.

If you're one of the first 50 peeps you GET. IT. ALL. for only

$454 $67

Grab your copy here and save 85% off!

P.P.S. Monday morning (29 July 2019) at 08:00 CST -- the reader special ends and KBB increases to it's retail price ($97).

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