4 ways to EXPERTLY alter one of my programs… - Strong As Hec

4 ways to EXPERTLY alter one of my programs…

If I had a doll hair each time I got these questions after a reader downloads my eBook or purchases one of my products from the Ol’ blog…

“… is it ok if I did _____ instead of _____ when doing this program?”


“… what else can I do while I’m on this program?”


"I'm thinking of  taking a piece of _____ and pairing it with _____, what do ya think?"

These are the most common questions I get from the blog or email.

And it’s cool, I get it.

Not one program I write will work for every one.

(Actually, 90% of the time they will)

I’m totally open to “pivoting” when you need to.

Many times people have limitations like: deep squatting and are looking for an alternative so they can maintain consistency.

Maybe they only have one kettlebell or an offset pair of bells.

(If this is you, I get it)

There are a few things to consider though when alterations are made:

  1. The kickass results you'll get cannot be attributed to the program.
  2. The program can’t be held responsible if you crash & burn and fail to get the results you envisioned.

As long as we’re cool with this we can move forward.

We cool?


This morning I jumped out of bed around 03:35 and half dead started writing some notes for today’s email.

I figured…

… if you’re gonna alter one of my programs—I might as well show you how to do it the right way.



4 ways to EXPERTLY alter one of my results-getting programs—so you can stay consistent and choke slam your goals…

  1. Single vs. Double bell.

    Many of my plans are double bell.

    Mostly because they give you the biggest bang for your buck, pack twice the results in the same amount of time, and…

    … well, you just look and feel badass (and I’m all for feeling like a badass) with 2 bells! 

  2. Goblet Squat or Reverse lunge vs. Front Squat.

    You probably have “mileage” on your body (who doesn’t?) and flat out can’t deep squat without pain.

    Or you only have one kettlebell.

    Often times, regressing to the goblet squat allows you to squat better and reap even better results.

    The reverse lunge in probably the most under utilized exercise in your strength toolkit and a damn sinister exercise to boot.

    I recently programmed it for the men in my 90-day coaching program (I’ll keep you posted on their results).

    So, if you only have one bell or squatting provokes pain, pivot to goblet squats or reverse lunges. 

  3. Who likes going heavier?!

    All of my programs feature “deload” or “tapering” weeks built into them.

    On top of the constant waving of the load during the week.

    This tactic accelerates your recovery and allows you to train harder without feeling like you’ve been steam rolled by a Mack truck.

    Example: Days 1 and 2 are typically lower volume compared to day 3 (Mon, Wed, and Fri respectively).

    They’re written in one of 2 ways.

    Med, Light, Heavy 
    Light Medium, Heavy

    This refers mostly to the volume (reps and sets) If you’re gonna go heavier, do it on day 2.

    Science and experience have proven - you’re stronger on day 2 after a light/medium volume day with medium weights.

    This day experiment with going up one bell size (if your strength and technique permits). 

  4. Offset kettlebell sizes.

    If you’re new to the kettlebell world or go to a gym limited on bell selection.

    You’ll likely be stuck with offset bells.

    And since most of my programs are double bell programs, here’s how to take advantage of your situation.

    Let’s say you only have access to 20 and 24kg bells and are on press plan 801A (a press program from my eBook, BJJ Strength Secrets).

    Clean the bells to the rack: 20 on the left and 24 on the right and press.

    Next set, switch sides and repeat.

    This solves 2 problems.

    A. - It solves the offset bell situation and saves you some cash till you’re ready to get another bell.

    B. - It catapults your technical skill to the next level.


    Using offset bells will throw you off the first time you take them on a test drive.

    Because you’re asymmetrically loaded.

    The underlying skill is - to get the bells moving at the same speed and receive them in the rack at the same time.

    It should look like you’re cleaning 2 bells of the same size.

    Pretty cool, eh?

Here’s an example using 3 of the 4 components when altering one of my plans - if you’re using 20 and 24kg bells.

Program: Kettlebell Berserk! - Rōnin.

  • Reverse lunge.
  • Heavier bells (if you can indeed execute this).
  • Offset sizes.

// Set #1 //

Double clean
Double jerk (24, 28) x 3
Reverse lunge L/R x 3

Next minute

// Set #2 //

Double clean
Double jerk (28, 24) x 3
Reverse lunge L/R x 3

Next minute

// Set #3 //

Double clean
Double jerk (24, 28) x 3
Reverse lunge L/R x 3

Pretty simple.

You stick to the gist of the plan and can still reap some crazy results.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Hec G.

P.S. -----> While I’m a stickler for “sticking to the plan” as written, I’m also an advocate of “pivoting” when you need to like: switching to reverse lunge or goblet squat because they don’t provoke pain.

(Aside from this, don't alter the plan for the sake of altering it)

Happy lifting.

P.P.S Oh, if you’ve been stuck in a rut and want to change things up in your training, this program will do the trick.

P.P.P.S -----> Sorry I know, this is the last one, I promise.

I've been giving the blog and Training LAB a face lift the last 2 weeks and -- I'm excited to let you know, I have a little gift for you in the coming days (once I finish) as a simple thank you for being a loyal subscriber.

(It's something many people have been asking for, in fact, I had a guy drop the question on my recent IG post)

I'll keep ya posted.
