- Strong As Hec

I have a passion for helping men become better husbands and fathers through the power of kettlebells and Jiu-Jitsu.

In 90 days, I show them how to get back in shape, rebuild their confidence so they can practice Jiu-Jitsu, and become the husband & father their family deserves.

On top of that—I provide these men with *the blueprint* of how to balance physical fitness, Jiu-Jitsu, their career, and still maintain a solid family life.


at the end of 90-days they have the ability to be on the mat anytime—anywhere—3-5 days per week without feeling “overworked” or worrying if their body will feel “broken” the next day.

In the end—they gain the piece of mind to be able to check off *everything* from their day: Jiu-Jitsu, physical fitness, and family time—ultimately Becoming a Better Man.
