Today’s ink is a teaser from my first book… I was listening to a compilation of one of Joe Rogan’s podcasts. And he said, “you know, I’m not a really disciplined person. A lot of people see me and they think that I’m this disciplined person. When I’m the most undisciplined person, I just got lucky to […]
Continue reading“Where you place the blame is where the power goes.”~ Alex Hormozi(If you’re just joining us, we’re in the middle of our “Rage” series. If you want to catch up on past pieces––for context––you can read parts 1, 2, and 3 here.) Based on your triggers in life––a result of emotional, psychological, and physical wounds––you develop […]
Continue readingBefore I close out the “Rage email series” I wanna pause for a second and set some context for the remaining posts to come. St. Augustine of Hippo-Confessions(p.89) Why follow your flesh, perverted soul? Rather let it follow you, once you are converted. “Perversion of soul”: Without loving rightly, God first and all else in God, […]
Continue reading[2001] I started my first business when I bought my own territory to run a bread business here in Corpus Christi. To my knowledge no one in my family had ever started their own business. For 12 years I focused on building a business, getting better at Jiu-Jitsu, becoming the strongest version of myself, and making money. In […]
Continue reading“Our stories lead to our results (positive or negative).”In Robert Bly’s book “Iron John” he talks about the concept of “the wound.” This is essentially our life experience. The root of all of our stories in life. If you’re not doing what you know you should be doing, step #1 is taking a step back. Detach from the […]
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