A Strength-Based Approach To Improve Endurance - Strong As Hec

A Strength-Based Approach To Improve Endurance

Strength Based Approach To Improving Endurance

One of the most common ways to improve endurance with the kettlebell swing is high volume sets e.g., sets of 10, 15, and higher with very little rest between sets.

While this can most definitely improve cardiovascular conditioning... one of the downfalls is an increase in acidity and free radical damage.

You'll recognize this acidity as the burn

Believe it or not, you want to avoid the burn when trying to improve endurance (in training) with your kettlebell ballistic exercises (i.e., swing, cleans, and snatches).

There will be times when you want to peak glycolytically in your training, but I'll leave that topic for another blog post.

In today's workout, we will be focusing on strength and power to improve endurance using the kettlebell swing.

We want to focus on being as fresh as possible for each set. In order to do this, we will be keeping the volume in each set to 5 reps.

Kettlebell Size Recommendations:

Choose a bell that you can swing 15 (15RM i.e., 15 Rep Max) times each side.

The standard – each rep MUST be explosive with the arm parallel to the floor and the kettlebell chest height.

If the bell begins to drop each rep before getting to 15, the bell is too heavy. If you're able to perform 15 explosive reps with a 32 on your right but can't with the left

Then choose the 28kg as your training bell.

Workout Details:

5/25 x 15RM.

➣ Alternate hands between sets.

➣ Rest to the top of the minute and repeat for 25 total working sets.

Give that a try and let me know how it goes by leaving me comment below!

From my family to yours... have a HAPPy thanksgiving!

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