My Random Thoughts On Life Archives - Strong As Hec

Category Archives for My Random Thoughts On Life

The Toxic Cycle (and Identity 1)

‘Even salt looks like sugar.’My daughter blew my mind when she said this.I was impressed.We were talking are paradigms and perception.And how things aren’t always what they appear to be.And in her child-like wisdom she says, “yep, even salt looks like sugar.”It was a proud dad moment. Paradox Series: If you’re just join us, this […]

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The Paradox of Freedom

‘The instrument of our damnation became our salvation.’~ General ZodIt’s been a while since I’ve posted here on the Ol’ blog. In my absence… I’ve been working on a many things. Mainly getting clear on the next chapter of life I feel God is calling me to.Something deeper than I could have ever imagined… and, […]

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