Before I close out the "Rage email series" I wanna pause for a second and set some context for the remaining posts to come.
St. Augustine of Hippo
Why follow your flesh, perverted soul? Rather let it follow you, once you are converted.
"Perversion of soul": Without loving rightly, God first and all else in God, the soul becomes literally perverted, turned down. As such, Augustine often depicts drama of human living as a battle between the soul's perversion and its conversion, choosing whether the Creator or a creature will be at the heart of its desire and devotion.
(Emphasis mine.)
After years of reflection and contemplation of all the mistakes I've made, I realized we approach life––happiness, meaning, fulfillment, and purpose––in one of two ways.
Most of, if not all of, us are "chasing our soul."
Meaning: a man void of virtue––an effeminate man––who is slave to his Toxic Cycle; his life is centered on "soul-chasing."
He's trying to "find himself." He's chasing: happiness, meaning, fulfillment, and purpose in what is CARNAL; what is MUTABLE.
This is...
"The Soul-Chasing Life."

4 of the 5 Elements of a Strongman are mutable––finite aspects of a man's life. They represent "the flesh" (I.e., the material world; the Matrix). It's easy to know if you've been soul-chasing if you've ever said/thought...
"I'll be happier when..."
"I'll be happier when I have more money; I'll be happier when I find the right woman; I'd be happier and more confident if I could lose some weight; I will spend more time with my wife when I get my biz/career where I want it to be."
This is the "Happy Trap."
It's a trap because, for all of time, men have been valued for our utility––what we bring to the table. We end up finding identity in what we do––in what we're capable of.
We Find Identity in What We Worship
And what we find identity in... become addictions––disordered attachments to pleasure––this is the definition of effeminacy.
The reality is...
You'll never be lean enough.
You will never be strong enough.
And there will never be enough money.
The end result of the Soul-Chasing Life?
1.) Man becomes confined and trapped to the part––I.e., addicted to the part which brings him temporal pleasure––at the expense of the whole. Even at the expense of his soul. 2.) He becomes enslaved to his Toxic Cycle.
The SOULution?
To avoid the Soul-Chasing Life, it's defcon 9 critical you discover what is at the "Center of Your Wheel."
Because the elements of your life will order themselves to what is at the "center"––the object of your desire and devotion. What's at the center is how you will perceive the other elements of your life.
For most of us, it's work.
How work looks at family is. "I can't make it to my son's game, because I have to work."
How work looks at health is, "I don't have time to workout and eat healthy, because I'm so busy with work."
So on and so forth.
I encourage you, get clear on what is at the center of YOUR desire and devotion and what you're ordering the elements of your life to. Because what you place at the center, is what you worship.
And what you worship is what you find identity in.
Appreciate you reading.
hec g.
P.S. At the end of this series. I'll reveal the antithesis to the Soul-Chasing Life and what it means to 1.) "let it (your soul) follow you, once you are converted." and 2.) how it will not only help you attain your goals and finish things you start. It will also keep you from "losing yourself" when life hits; when you lose something of extreme importance to you.
We all go through the desert. It's normal. Where things go south is when we place what is finite as the object of our desire and devotion.
What happens when you lose what is finite?
Something to think about.
[To be continued...]