How To Superset The Press and Front Squat - Strong As Hec

How To Superset The Press and Front Squat

superset press front squat

In today's workout of the week I will show you how to superset the press and front squat for a quick and effective strength and conditioning workout.

If you're un-familiar with supersets I'll explain. A superset is 2 or 3 exercises paired together with little to no rest between exercises.

Supersetting is typically a body building tactic to over-stress the muscle for hypertrophy (muscle growth) by staying under tension longer. The longer the muscle is under tension, the greater the possibility for muscle growth there is.

But, for today muscle growth is not our primary goal for the press and front squat, although it can be a by-product if your plan out the volume appropriately. 

Workout Details

=> Double Press x 3,4,5,6,3,4,5
=> Double Squat x 4,5,6,4,5,6,4,5,5

Rest periods will be as needed, typically 1.5 - 3 minutes rest between sets. The goal is to be as fresh as possible. 

Variation # 1

You can perform 1 clean followed by the prescribed number of presses and then finish the set with the prescribed number of squats.

Variation # 2

You can re-clean between each set. There are a couple of nuances to this tactic.

  1. It helps you reset for each press to reduce acidity i.e., "the muscle burn" to keep you as fresh as possible before each press.
  2. Kills two birds with one stone by adding a small conditioning (cardio) aspect to each set. So you effectively are getting stronger and torching calories at the same time.

Variation # 3

You can perform this workout using one kettlebell. Simply perform all the prescribed reps on one side, switch sides without resting and repeat.

If you're feeling unconfident with the front squat, you can regress to the goblet squat.


If you have any questions -- leave a comment below.

In Strength,


P.s. – If you're looking for more effective workouts and course, join my email list by downloaded my eBook ==> Kettlebell Workout Snacks!

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