Kettlebells Meet 75 HARD - Strong As Hec

’The way is hard which leads to salvation.’

~ Matthew 7:14

The name of my company is the HARDSTYLE ACADEMY where we help men develop discipline so they can do hard things and become the strongest, most elite, version of themselves.

When I learned about 75 HARD… I knew it was a match made in heavy. Things which are HARD magnetize me and the men we serve.

Before I get into how I'm applying the HARDSTYLE principles and skillsets we teach our students to the 75 HARD framework.

I wanna tell you why I’m doing 75 HARD.

It's easy for you, you own a gym and get to workout for a living.’

People would jokingly used to say this to me.

And even if they didn't verbally say it, the expressions on their face spoke volumes.

News flash.

Personal trainers/coaches DON'T get to workout for a living.

The majority of our time is spent on the wellbeing of others.

(... not to mention, being a janitor, marketer, copywriter and more.)

Sometimes, our clients are more healthy, and in better shape, than we are.

Kinda like the medical field where you see doctors, and nurses, who are an absolute wreck physically.

Just wanted to set the record straight and reveal the reality.

The reason I share this with you is because heading into 2021 I was fat as f*ck.

(And I don't mind saying it. I WAS FAT!)

I got up to 224 pounds and 20% BF.

... and when I looked in the mirror...

I no longer recognized the person looking me back in the mirror.

75 Hard Progress Picture, 75 hard progress, 75 hard

I hated how my clothes fit... always readjusting my shirt and pants because I could either, 1.) feel my gut hanging over or 2.) my shirt was getting stuck in my fat rolls.

It sucked.

Something had to change.

I needed a framework to rebuild consistency.

Spring of 2021 - June 2021 I started and completed 75 HARD.

... and put myself back on the path to controlling what I can control.

At the end of 75 days... I dropped ~15 pounds and 5% body fat.

I still have more work to do to return to some semblance of the initial image above when I was deep in the Jiu-Jitsu competition scene.

Which is why I'm starting my first "Live Hard" journey.

And I'm documenting the journey here on the blog and in the ACADEMY.

Kettlebells Meet 75 HARD

In the first episode.

I address three things:

  1. The "problem" I initially encountered my first time around using kettlebells for fitness while "on program."
  2. The underlying, and most valuable aspect, of 75 HARD. Which I believe is the cause for all of our struggles and unhappiness in life.
  3. Some of the adjustments we made, which led to us building a Kettlebells for 75 HARD (KB75) training system for our students considering the challenge.

[More details as the journey continues...]

Appreciate you watching,

hec ”doing hard things” g.
