'We live within our discipline."
I’m making room in our 16 week men's Elite Coaching Program this month to help men develop discipline, so they can become the strongest, most elite, version of themselves, and become the man their family and community is depending on.
In order to accomplish this... you’ll need a high performance strategy built on these 3 Daily-Disciplines:
Discipline # 1:
A Less is MORE Strength Training Strategy
You need a customizable strategy that is measurable. Particularly a Performance Progression Training System. To guide you through all phase of training (i.e., fitness):
- Strength.
- Strength Endurance.
- Muscle-building.
- Maximal strength.
- Power.
We also hand you the keys to a done-for-you eating strategy to help you navigate the 4 stages of a high performance body.
It's the blueprint to eating in a non-restrictive way to not only support your training. But also help you achieve your physical goals––you know, to "LOOK" the part too.
If you’ve been stuck in the same place the last 6 months and NOT seeing the results you’ve been chasing for years... it’s likely you're not following a Performance Progression Training System.
discipline #2:
Recovery Accelerating Mechanism (R.A.M)
Most men I talk to, avoid recovery, mobility, and flexibility like the plague.
Either because they "don’t have time" to get it in or they’re afraid of making things worse—so they leave it out.
Truth is, if you’re not able to recover from your workouts... you’re shooting yourself in the foot. A Recovery Accelerating Mechanism helps you train hard and more often... while remaining as fresh & healthy as possible.
If you’re not feeling stronger after your workouts?
If you’re feeling "fried" and "dinged up" after playing with your kids?
Then I’m willing to bet a steak dinner you’re missing a Recovery Accelerating Mechanism in your training.
discipline #3:
"Daily-Discipline & Self-Mastery"
Men don’t lack motivation.
Men lack discipline to gain self-mastery over themselves and their base passions.
Plain and simple.
But here's the catch...
... they’ve never been taught HOW to build discipline. HOW to attain self-mastery. And by "taught" I don't mean being told to "suck it up and stop being a b**ch."
That's not discipline.
(although there is some truth to this.)
What is discipline?
Most men understand discipline as punishment. They did something wrong as a kid and were "disciplined." In reality...
It's making daily decisions and honoring your commitments.
The become a man people can depend on. Which requires us to do HARD THINGS we don't feel like doing (but know we should).
Discipline is committing to a mission, a cause, an end outcome. The development of discipline is a daily pursuit. And the fruit of discipline is Self-Mastery.
Inside the ACADEMY I've built you a repeatable system to develop daily disciplines so you can become the strongest, most elite, version of ourself: A man your family and community can depend on.
If this is a result you'd be open to attaining for your life.
Here's how to get started:
[1.] Enroll into HARDSTYLE Elite men's coaching program >>>
After enrollment… we'll be in touch within 48 hours to set up your 1:1 onboarding call.
[2.] Do this ASAP because our time is limited (and super focused). We only accept a certain number of Elite members at a time.
Which allows us to poor all of our energy and attention into helping our students attain the goals they've been chasing for years.
Join the ranks of the HARDSTYLE Elite here.
See you inside,
hec "the discipline-builder" g.
P.S. - of course... if you have Q's, drop us a comment below and we can set up a quick time to chat.