Sup, dude!
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hector Gutierrez, Jr. (just call me, “Hec”)
I help men get back in shape, reclaim their power & masculinity so they can create unforgettable memories their wife and kids will NEVER forget. I provide these men with the blueprint to balancing work, family, and how to unlock personal alone time so they can do more of what they enjoy... without losing themselves.
At the end of 16 weeks these men are more balanced strongmen and have the confidence to lead their family from a place of strength and NOT from a place of fear.
Ultimately becoming a Better Man.
It's about being stronger for life. Sure, heavy deadlifts
and snatches are cool, but at the end of the day, living a fulfilled life
to its fullest in happiness and health will be your greatest concern.
I talk a lot about physical strength (particularly kettlebells, barbell deadlift, and Jiu-Jitsu), health, and how to take care of your body (because you only get one) but... that’s only ~6% of your day.
True power and fulfillment lies in balancing the “5 Elements of a Strongman.”
Strong in Mind
Strong in Body
Strong in Emotion
Strong in Spirit
Strong in Community
I wouldn't be the balanced strongman I'm at today if it wasn't for my wife, the relationships I built with my students, and colleagues along the way. I always strive to show up better than I did yesterday.
And while everything I do may look like it comes naturally to me, like, earning a second degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, deadlifting 639 pounds, and becoming one of the most sought-out strength training professionals in the world, I'm really a normal dude like you.
I grew up in South Texas (Corpus Christi to be exact, Corpitos!). After high school I had no clue what I was going to do with my life.
I didn't go to college, instead, I put my head down and began working hard. Eventually, I found myself with an opportunity to start my own business at 21 years old... I TOOK IT! And invested $35,000 I didn't have.
I built that business from nothing to a recurring six-figure income... but you know what?
I wasn't happy. Things just didn't feel right.
I knew God created me for something greater. He blessed me with the gift of teaching and in 2006 God sent my an angel (my future wife) who inspired me to chase my dream and live my purpose.

Strength Coach / Filipino Boxing Team
I decided to listen to that little angel and do what really made me happy. I took the leap (afterwards I had second thoughts LOL, but it was too late), sold my business and started my health, wellness, and strength training business. Looking back, it was the best decision I made for my future.
With all that being said, since entering the world of entrepreneurship, business development, marketing, and becoming a writer have now become a new passions of mine.
As men, we're failing.
The women in our lives are having to tap into their own masculinity because we're not showing up like we should. I've decided to do something about it. I'm completely determined to help other men become better men. To be the man and provider they were created to be -- so they can guide their family by their example, and live life on their own terms.
This new venture hasn't been easy, hours and late nights of hard work, discipline, and 100% dedication to the cause. Like I said, I didn't go to college, get an MBA, and my background isn't in finance -- I got to where I'm at today in life/business because, I found something I'm passionate about and 100% willing to suffer for.
But I‘ll tell you what friend...
... every ounce of effort, the late nights, etc... have been 100% worth it!
As a Senior Instructor for StrongFirst–(the preeminent leader and gold standard for strength and fitness education), wellness coach, business mentor and successful entrepreneur--I've realized...
Strength is more than reps and sets, it's an attitude.
Expertise is more than a piece of paper, it's a quality.
Mastery is more than a goal, it's an OBSESSION.
Strength has a greater purpose and if you're ready to change the way you feel, look, walk, and how you show up for your family then -- let's join forces!
hec g.
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