3 Reasons Your Snatch Technique Sucks - Strong As Hec

3 Reasons Your Snatch Technique Sucks

Today I'm gonna share 2 kettlebell snatch subtleties to improve your snatch technique, both of which are often missed by coaches and non-coaches. I know this because I missed them in the beginning when I was learning how to snatch a kettlebell.

These 2 subtleties can make or break your success with your snatch technique and are the difference between seeing killer results and  stopping them dead in their tracks.

After all -- it's why you started snatching, right?

To get killer results, faster?
Save time so you're not a slave to a gym?
Improve your endurance so you can play with your kids?

Those are pretty good reasons I'd say.

Let's dive in... 

kettlebell snatch subtleties to sharpen your technical scalpel -- to help you can crush your goals, FASTER!

But before I get into the snatch subtleties -- I want to address... 

3 reasons why your kettlebell snatch technique sucks.

(I know, kinda blunt but hey, I share because I care! Friends don't let friends have poor snatch technique)


Over Gripping [The damn bell]

All 3 of the reasons I'll be sharing are important BUT -- this one is the MOST common -- Over gripping [the damn bell]. This has a cascading effect on the rest of your technical skills and will choke the life out of your results.

Over gripping leads to: premature fatigue of your grip --> causing more friction in the center of your palm --> and leads to progress-destroying hand tears.

Also, it forces the bell to crash into your forearm.  Leaving you with bruises, swelling, and potential stress fractures.

I don't know about you but -- potential stress fractures can kiss my _______.

If results are what you're interested in (and I know they are) -- then you can't afford to miss time from training. Especially if you're training to become an SFG instructor.


Casting Out

Further torches the grip and leads to more over gripping. It also "pulls you forward" onto your toes, making it harder to maintain balance.

It requires more energy as you're moving the bell a greater distance.  The snatch, by default, moves the weight further compared to the swing and clean. 

Casting out compounds this because now the bell is going out, then up, and then you'll need to pull the bell back in, resulting in more impact on the wrist.

Not to mention the "jarring" it creates on the shoulder on the way down.

If shoulder health and hand care are important to you, you MUST bring "casting out" to a screaming halt. 


You're NOT Breathing

Last time I checked -- breathing is pretty dang IMPORTANT.  Obviously for everyday life and health but, also for performance, so you can achieve your goals, FASTER.

Did you know, with the right breathing patterns in your exercises -- specifically the kettlebell snatch -- you can increase your performance and efficiency by 100%?

It's true!

But, the right breathing pattern is one thing -- timing your breath is another and this is the focus of today's post. Knowing when to breathe for maximum power and efficiency.

The more efficient you are -- the less energy you'll use -- which means you can do MORE SNATCHES -- burn more calories -- see results faster -- fit better in your clothes -- and be able to enjoy your yummy foods more often.

Who doesn't want this??!!

(Does ANYONE NOT want this?!)

Plus, when you get this right, you'll NEVER over grip the damn bell again!

Give today's snatch subtleties a watch, put'em into action, and let me know how it goes.

Hec G.
