Strength Training for BJJ - Strong As Hec

For BJJ Practitioners 35+ who are tired of gassing out after 2 rounds on the mat... 

Here's how to build a stronger and better conditioned body so you can train Jiu-Jitsu more often, win more matches, and get injured LESS. 

(... without interfering with your life or time on the mat.)


It's hot.

It's barely the second round, fatigue is setting in, grip is getting weak, forearms are almost numb, lungs and legs are burn as if running in the freezing cold.

On top of that.

... I'm getting smashed by a stronger teammate.

At the end of the day, I lie awake in bed for at least 45 minutes (or more) thinking...

... Is it my conditioning?

... Why couldn't I stop it?

... What could I have done better?

... I knew the armbar was coming.

... I was in the right position, my timing was there, wasn't it?

... How did he still manage to pull my arm into the submission?

... Why am I still getting tired? I did extra conditioning work.

Maybe I need more conditioning?

Does this sound familiar?

This was the first several years of my BJJ experience.

Sup, dude!

My name Hector Gutierrez Jr. (Just call me 'Hec.')

How to get in shape for BJJ

I'm a high school dropout, turned Third Degree BJJ Black Belt.

StrongFirst Certified Senior instructor and founder of the Hardstyle Fitness Academy in Corpus Christi, Texas.


In 16weeks I help BJJ practitioners 35+ build strong and resilient bodies so they can train Jiu-Jitsu more often & get injured less.

... and avoid sitting on the side of the mat watching other guys get better.

What I'm about to share with you will be the most important thing you'll read when it comes to getting strong and better "conditioned" for BJJ.

In fact...

It will help you build a stronger and more resilient body for Jiu-Jitsu in less time (~90 minutes per week) than anything you'll find on the interwebz.

So you can spend more time on the mat... and less time trying to be the best at exercise.

Pretty big claim, huh.

What gives me the right to say that?

... and why should you listen to a thing I have to say?

Three reasons:

1.) I've been training, competing, and coaching Jiu-jitsu for over 21 years combined. And know what it takes to get in top shape for BJJ without interfering with your time on the mat (or your life).

2.) For over a decade my programs have helped everyday Joes/Janes, top BJJ athletes, and even UFC veterans compete at the highest levels.

3.) I currently teach top strength coaches and personal trainers from all over the world... how to design kettlebell, barbell, and bodyweight strength training programs for their athletes and clients.


I've been there, done that, bought the shirt, and mowed the grass in it.

You're in the right place if...

  • You're tired of gasping for air after a couple of rounds, have to keep taking water breaks, and sitting out to recover (which keeps you from progressing on the mat).
  • Your general strength is not where it needs to be... so you lack the confidence to roll with guys 30 pounds heavier than you because you're afraid of getting injured.
  • Because your strength and mobility isn't where it needs to be... you're constantly bumping into injuries and dealing with nagging aches and pains.
  • You're stiff as a board, want to improve your flexibility, train Jiu-Jitsu and play with your kids without feeling broken the next morning.
  • You struggle to balance work, family, getting in your strength/flexibility work, and still have time to get in Jiu-Jitsu.
  • ... and after years of BJJ you're thinking, "I'm tired of dealing with constant injuries. I just want to move 'easier' again... like I did in my 20's."

If you're nodding your head to any of those.

Welcome to the club.

The first thing you need to know about building a resilient body for BJJ is... 

There's ONE skill you're not learning to keep you healthy, advance your efforts off the mat, and build a bigger base for endurance.

(... and once you harness it's power... it'll take your game to the next level!)

After 21 years of Jiu-Jitsu -- one of the most common questions (or should I say comments) I get from fellow BJJ players is...

What else can I do to improve my conditioning?

I feel like I gas too soon when I roll.

Do I need more conditioning?

Well, yes and no.

Let me explain...

The biggest problem with most "strength and conditioning" programs is this.

They turn out to be conditioning and more conditioning "programs."

They're void of any substance of strength.

The additional conditioning takes its toll and eventually leaves you feeling like a shivering pile of jello at the end of the mat... gasping for air.

Which = you getting smashed.

... and results in you thinking... 

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