

Performance Progression Program


Progression Program

(A step-by-step, repeatable system, to build a strong, lean, and resilient body for BJJ.)

How to navigate the Performance Progression Pyramid so you know when to train for strength, strength endurance, muscle-building, max strength, and power endurance. And how to get it done in less than 90 minutes per week.

(Without overtraining and interfering with your life or time on the mat!)

'Mat STRONG!' is designed to - 

  • Build a strong and resilient body so you can train Jiu-Jitsu more often and get injured less.
  • Remove the guesswork on when to train for strength, muscle-building, max strength, and power-endurance. Without interfering with your time on the mat.
  • Pg. 5 of the BJJ Survival Guide helps you stay in "Jiu-Jitsu shape" when you can't make it to class as often as you like. So you can avoid the dreaded "first day back rolls."
  • Test and retest your endurance with our signature "Specialized KBJJ Endurance Protocol" for instant feed-back on your progress!
  • Give you the strength and athleticism after 8 weeks to hang with anyone on the mat... regardless of size.
  • Boost shoulder mobility and resilience to bulletproof your shoulders and keep you from getting injured against Kimuras and Americanas.
  • Put $600 per year in gym memberships back in your pocket... so you can spend it on MORE cool things like 3 Shoyoroll Gi's. That's enough to grab the program alone! 
  • And much more...

If any of this sounds like something you'd be interested in and you're tired of feeling "broken" the next day after class...

... then I encourage your to grab a copy of 'Mat STRONG!' (MtS) below...

'Mat STRONG!' (MtS)

How to build to build a strong and resilient body for BJJ so you can train more ofter while getting injured less (and how to do it in less than 90 minutes per week).

$67 $12


BJJ Bolt-on Bonuses

Bolt-on Bonus #1:

BJJ Survival Guide™

How to stay in Jiu-Jitsu shape... even if you can't make it to class as often as you like.

The days of dreading your first day back on the mat will be a thing of the past!

$67 Value

Bolt-on Bonus #2:

Specialized KBJJ Endurance Protocol

10 minute test/retest endurance specific to Jiu-Jitsu.

For instant feedback if your progress!

$47 Value

Bolt-on Bonus #3:

'MtS' Press Manual

Quick and easy-to-follow study guide. To remove the guess work of how to progress the press, maximize performance, and avoid potential injuries.

It's the exact manual I provide the attendees of my private workshops here at Hardstyle.

$97 Value

Bolt-on Bonus #4:

KB Coaching Corner Program

One of the key reasons people fail to attain their goals, give up, and switch to the newest shiny object is, NOT having the support of a coach.

I will be that coach for YOU.

KBCCP is an eye-opening email coaching program where I guide you around the inevitable road blocks which will attempt to seek out and surgically assassinate your efforts.

I don't know of ANY online program to offer this level of support.

$197 Value

Recap of what you're getting...

'Mat STRONG!' Performance Progression System: step-by-step training protocols to build your foundation of strength so you can train BJJ more often, get injured less... and how to get it done in less than 90 minutes per week, $67 Value.

The BJJ Survival Guide: the secret to getting and staying in Jiu-Jitsu shape when you can't make it to the mat 3-4 days per week... so you can avoid sucking wind your first day back, $47 Value.

The 'MtS' Press Manual: how to safely execute the pound-for-pound #1 exercise on the planet for grapplers... the kettlebell clean + press, $97 Value.

Kettlebell Coaching Corner Program: a 4 week email coaching program with yours truly. To guide you step-by-step through the first month of MtS to make sure you get started RIGHT. And avoid potential road blocks, $197 Value.

Total Value: $408

But as a fellow BJJ brother you won't pay anywhere near that.

In fact...

You won't pay:





I'm hooking you up today for only -

Why SO cheap?

To be frank.

I want this to be the easiest no-brainer decision for you. I want you to actually USE the program and re-gain control of your body.

This program COULD be the turning point for you my friend (it was for me), but only when you take action today.

The way I see it... you have two options from this point on:

Option #1: You do nothing and stay where you're at and/or continue to try to figure this out on you own.

(... Which so far... doesn't seem to be working for you because you're still here reading this page.)

Which will result in you remaining: stiff, broken, weak and over-trained.

And worse...

sitting on the end of the mat wishing you could roll one more round.

(... and not just roll with the white belts.)


Option #2: Leverage my 21+ years of knowledge by grabbing my done-for-you Performance Progression Training system and be renewed with the strength, mobility, and resilience you once had.

... and keep you where you belong.... ON THE MAT!

Click the button below to gain instant access to 'Mat STRONG!'. And be on your way to a stronger, more mobile, and resilient body for Jiu-Jitsu.

Order now at ZERO risk.

Test drive MtS for a FULL 90 days.

All you gotta do is grab one (or two) kettlebell(s), follow the plans as written, and get results.

If you're not 100% satisfied with your results -- and you put the work in -- email me: [email protected]... and  I'll refund your invest 100% no questions asked.

And you can KEEP the program.

If MtS doesn't do what I say it will... so you can spend more time doing what you enjoy.

Then I haven't earned your business.

See you in the academy.

A quick note from Hector

hec g.

hec g.

Hey dude...

One more thing before I go.

I remember when I first started taking my Jiu-Jitsu serious (circa '05). I was sick and tired of sucking wind after only 3 rounds of rolling.

I've tried EVERYTHING on the planet to improve my strength and endurance for BJJ.

From 2001-2006 I spent 4+ hours per day in a tradition gym. 6 days per week (that's 24 hours per week) on pointless exercises which had no carry over the Jiu-Jitsu.


  • Body building exercises which only gave the appearance I was strong and in shape for Jiu-Jitsu (I really wasn't). Only my grip continued to fail and because of the added muscle, my endurance sucked even more.
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): which put so much stress on my nervous system, I couldn't recover in time for class. Ultimately leading me down the slippery slope of thinking "I needed more cardio" because I continued to gas out.
  • Long Distance Running: Again... I thought I needed more cardio. I added running 3 days per week for a total of 16-24 miles. Only to end up with achy joints and tighter hips. Which had a detrimental effect on my guard game.

I just didn't know... what I didn't know.

I don't know if any of this resonates with you but, one thing is for certain...

... I knew something had to change because I knew I couldn't keep up training 24 hours per week (THAT'S A PART TIME JOB!) not including BJJ and...

Still having CRAP for conditioning!

But all that ended when...

I discovered the mighty kettlebell!

~2006 everything changed for me.

But there was one problem...

I had no clue what I was doing!

At the time there were ZERO instructors in my area teaching what you're about to learn.

In fact...

There were only a few hundred top instructors in the world teaching kettlebells. With the closest instructor over 10 hours away.

My only option was to learn from YouTube university.

Back then... YouTube was barely getting off the ground. And there wasn't as much content as there is today on kettlebells.

I'm sure you can guess how that turned out for me?

Yeah, not good!

I literally beat the crap out of myself with a 25 pound kettlebell (the size beginner women use, yeah I know :-[ ).

And to be honest...

I hated it!

It hurt so much. The constant bruising on my forearms, torn up hands. Did I mention the bruised forearms?

I had to stop using them every couple of months because the pain became unbearable.

But you know what happened?

My strength and endurance made a quantum leap forward!

My strength and endurance

made a quantum leap forward!

What used to be 3 rounds before I was sucking wind while walking to the bathroom to splash water on myself so I could cool down...

... turned into 10 plus rounds of rolling... 4+ times per week (with a few rounds left in the tank).

And not only that...

... I was man handling many of my training partners. I was even rolling with guys who out weighed me by 40-60 pounds - with ease.

That's when I dedicated my career to mastering this unique ball of iron. Along with mastering the art of program design. So I could help guys like you.

What's program design?

It's the planning of the training, knowing how to go from "A to B."

ALL so I could bring it to YOU and fast track YOUR results.

The reason I share this with you is... 

I've invested two decades of my life and 10's of thousands of dollars for the information which went into writing you 'Mat STRONG!'.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by to finally get stronger, better conditioned and more resilient for BJJ.

So you can dominate the mat!

... and get injured LESS.

But that'll only happen when you pick up your copy today for about cost of a bowl of açai.

I must warn you...

If you don’t grab a copy.

You may fall victim to rolling with a fellow BJJ practitioner currently going through this program (and it’s not gonna turn out well for you ;-] ).

The choice is yours.

Your brother in strength,

hec g.

What others have said about my programming...

"The Highest Privilege I’ve had"

Training under Hector has been the highest privilege I’ve had in Jiu-Jitsu, he helped me develop a confidence that I didn’t even know existed. His coaching isn’t overwhelming with a bunch of fancy exercises. Hector will teach you how, why, and when to move. Within 2 months of training, my resting heart rate dropped to the 50's and my blood pressure dropped to around 110/70. I had chronic hip pain that disappeared after a few weeks of training while my flexibility and mobility skyrocketed; I even dropped 10-15 pounds!

Dr. John K. DC, BJJ Purple Belt

"Strength and Conditioning to Another Level!"

The first time I saw a kettlebell I thought , “there is absolutely no way this little thing will give me the workout I need.” Well, other than BJJ, this was the toughest training I've ever done. Training with Hector helped my BJJ game in more ways than I could imagine . Being a fellow BJJ practitioner himself, he knew exactly what I needed to improve my performance for the mat. Hector's kettlebell program as taken my strength and conditioning to another level!

John Quintanilla BJJ Black Belt

"Effective, Proven, and Straight to the Point"

Within 4 weeks I started to experiencing the benefits of Hector's strength training system. I finally finished my first 5 min round. Without gassing out! My grips are stronger, guard passing and sweeping my spar partners has greatly improved. It also appears—my body, especially my shoulders are bulking up and developing.

Coach Hec's strategies are really effective, proven, and straight to the point. The benefits he mentions are pretty much what you can expect.

Gabrielle R. Kettlebell Expert, Gravity Chamber

"Stronger than all of my opponents"

This program was something I was looking for a long time! I was so frustrated on how to incorporate by BJJ practice with double kettlebell clean and press. At a recent tournament I was able to take 1st place and win all of my matches by submission. Hector’s Grappler's Pressing Program made my wins much easier because I was stronger than all of my opponents.

Thank you Mr. Hector!!

Thanasis K.

"In 4 weeks I'm leaner"

In 4 weeks I'm leaner and my arms are more muscular than I have been in a while. I love the simplicity of Hector's programs--they don't take away from anything else in my life like BJJ and spending time with my family, yet still provides results. It is great to have a coach who has accomplished everything I aspire to and has already walked the path, I really appreciate how quickly Hector has been able to get back with me when I had questions.

Zac Zech BJJ Practitioner

"I Medaled for the FIRST Time As a Brown Belt!"

Hector's coaching helped me prepare for the Pan JJ championships (one of the biggest BJJ tournaments). I medaled for the FIRST time as a brown belt! His coaching program helped me reach a new level of athleticism. It is the perfect balance of strength, power, and flexibility that I was missing in my game!

Tony C. BJJ Black Belt

"Positively Magical"

The armbar and bent armbar flows are positively magical and have almost complete eliminated my shoulder limitations!

Scott B

"I'm in the Best Shape of My Life"

I have to say that training with Hector and following his coaching and programming has had a HUGE impact on my strength, power, and recovery on the mat. At 30 years old, I'm in the best shape of my life.

Roger N. BJJ Black Belt

NOTE: 'Mat STRONG!' is a digital product. The members access page will be sent to your email inbox immediately after your purchase. NO PHYSICAL ITEMS WILL BE SHIPPED.

DISCLAIMER: After recent statements from the Federal Trade Commission, I must disclose what "typical" results you may receive will this program. After reading this sales page the "average" person typically gets really excited and will purchase this program thinking they will *poof* magically receive the same results that my students on this page have, without ever printing the programs and actually doing them. Or worse they will do one of the workouts and complain of how "hard" training with kettlebells is and then give up.  Well, of course their results will be zero, zilch, nada. Your results on the other hand if you choose to not be "average" and follow the plan as written... well let's just say, I look forward to adding you to my list of successful badasses BJJ brothers and sisters on this page.  Again, this program is not magic, you must do the work. -hec g.
