
Kettlebell Berserk

Double Kettlebell Jerk Training System

(The Black Belt of Kettlebell Lifts 🥋)

How to Build Strength, Muscle, and the Endurance of a Racehorse with 2 Kettlebells

(… and how to get it done in ~90 minutes per week.)

Double Kettlebell Jerk
KBB is going to help you…
  • Navigate 3 Performance Progression Phases to build a stronger, leaner, and more capable body in 90 minutes or less per week.
  • Use a super-simple assessment letting know if “you’re ready for jerks”… to keep you safe and ensure you see progress WITHOUT getting derailed by injury and thrown to the wolves.
  • Unlock movement restrictions based on your assessment to “prime” your body for Jerks so you can access your true strength and build a leaner, more athletic body. 
  • Avoid progress-destroying hand tears using my 3 grip progressions and how grip #2 for jerks limits your progress and opens you up for more potential hand tears, making it harder to attain your goals
  • Use our â€śred light” system on Pg. 22 keeps you from doing too much, setting you up for a stronger session the next day… so you can remain consistent and avoid potential nagging injuries
  • Boost your Double Jerk skill to the next level with THE #1 EXERCISE men over-look when building a strong foundation. And more kettlebell swings ain’t it!
  • Build leaner and stronger triceps using grip #3 and WHY it’s the key to bolting a rocket booster to your Jerk technique so you move more weight, and see progress FASTER.
  • LIVE CHAT support to answer your question and accelerate your progress.
  • And much more. In fact… you’re getting 4 bonuses valued at $454 buckaroos.

Don't take my work for it... here's what others have to say...

"One of the most enjoyable programs I’ve tried"

One of the most enjoyable programs I’ve tried. Hector's approach is more streamlined and less taxing on my body. After my workouts I feel energized rather than exhausted.

Kyle S.

"It's the best program I ever done."

It's the best program I ever done. Very precise protocol of working time and breaks is awesome and there's no guesswork! Plus, I love that I'm not exhausted afterwards. 

Felix T.

"My shoulders... my quads are exploding!"

My shoulders are feeling awesome every time I put a shirt on and my quads are exploding!  Hec intelligently and playfully makes training far more enjoyable than it should be. 

Ian M.

"My lower back pain was gone!"

A great program before or after Jiu-Jitsu. By the second week I noticed my lower back pain was gone! (Might be because I was able to brace my core a lot better with the jerks and squats.

Joshua A.

"Hector's coaching was really eye opening"

Hector's coaching was really eye opening for me & critical in my ability to remain composed both physically and psychologically during the harder days of training.

Ray P.

"My recovery is through the roof!"

During my workouts, my recovery is through the roof! I always feel like could of done another set. I feel so good, I’m now off for a hike. Cheers!!!

Brian P.

If these are results you’d be interested in attaining for your life.

Enrollment into the Kettlebell Berserk course is open.

Double Kettlebell Jerk

Kettlebell Berserk (KBB)

How to build strength, muscle, and endurance with ~90 minutes per week with only 2 Kettlebells.

$454 $97


Berserk Bonus Bundle

Bonus #1

Kettlebell Berserk: "The Lost Chapters"

The remaining 2 plans which didn’t make it into the final draft of KBB and you get to reap the benefits.

Even though they didn’t make the cut—these are some badass, time-saving, results-getting plans, and now you'll have even more workouts in your arsenal to bleed weakness out of your life.

$64 Value

Bonus #2

Double Kettlebell Jerk, Clean & Jerk

Double Jerk and Clean & Jerk Practicum

Step-by-step coaching and guidance around the inevitable obstacles you'll come across to ensure you're executing everything correctly.

One of the most common responses I got from the beta testers of this plan was, "they didn't realize they were doing the Jerk wrong the whole time."

$97 Value

Bonus #3

Simple Workout In the Morning (S.W.I.M) eBook:

If you're stressed for time, just getting back into it, and not sure "where to start" -- this 28 day road map helps you go from the couch to badass-status in 10 minutes or less per day. I call it going for your daily morning S.W.I.M. (Cleaver, eh? I thought so.... ;])

On pg. 6 -- I help you build your own morning mental routine so you can finally tackle your goals and live a life worth living -- on your terms -- ultimately showing your children what it IS to be the man of the house and the best version of YOU!

Pg. 11 -- Unveils my, Stupid Simple 3-Step Eating Plan and gives you the “basics” and I mean “basics” on nutrition. Stuff you'll probably say “yeah, I know” but... you still aren’t doing it. There's no point in "counting macros" if you don't have the basics down.

$32 Value

Bonus #4

Kettlebell Coaching Corner Program:

6 weeks of eye-opening coaching direct to your email inbox to coach and guide you through phase 1 of RĹŤnin.

$197 Value

Recap of what you're getting...

Kettlebell Berserk Double Kettlebell Jerk Training System: 14 weeks of step-by-step training to build Strength, muscle, and the endurance with 2 Kettlebells… in 90 minutes per week (or less).

$64 Value

Kettlebell Berserk: “The Lost Chapters” - 10 additional week of results-getting, strength-building Double Kettlebell Jerk training.

$64 Value

Simple Workout In the Morning: 28 day road map to go from couch to badass-status in 10 minutes or less per day. I call it going for your daily morning S.W.I.M.

Plus our, Stupid Simple 3-Step Eating Plan to help you improve your eating habits and get the most from your DJK workouts.

$27 Value

Kettlebell Berserk Course: Step-by-step coaching and guidance around the inevitable obstacles you'll come across to ensure you're executing everything correctly.

$97 Value

Kettlebell Coaching Corner: 6 weeks of eye-opening coaching direct to your email inbox to coach and guide you through phase 1 of RĹŤnin.

$197 Value

Total Value: $449

But as a valued reader… you can get the entire KBB system for only -

$449 $97
