attention kettlebell addicts looking to

Add 10-20 pounds to your deadlift, squat or press in 4 weeks...

... and still be able to maintain your kettlebell skills!

From the training lab of Hector Gutierrez Jr.

Senior StrongFirst Instructor

Corpus Christi, Tx, USA

Hey there my strength lovin' friend,

If you've been trying to add 10-20 pounds to your lifts, but not sure how to do it without losing your gains in the kettlebell department -- then this post will be will be the most insightful thing you'll read today to do just that. 

How frustrating is it to lose all your hard-earned gains in your double or single kettlebell press after working on it for so long, simply because you focused on another lift for the last 6-8 weeks?!

You've heard the old adage...

"in order to press a lot, you need to press a lot"

The press and pull-up are two examples of exercises you need to constantly work over and over to maintain strength--well...

... at least maintain your peak strength that is--this can be challenging when you occasionally want to work on other skills like, the deadlift.

But you're wondering, "how can I maintain my kettlebell skills without it interfering with my deadlift?"

At least it's what I ask myself during each of my deadlift programs which is why I put crafted this unique--

4-step strength development process to build Your deadlift, press or squat  and still maintain your kettlebell skills. 

It is near impossible to constantly get stronger with all of your kettlebell and barbell exercises at the same time, trust me, I've tried and failed miserably.

Simply for the  fact that...

... the deadlift, squat and certain kettlebell exercises have a "high metabolic cost".

Meaning, the energy expenditure of these exercises is extremely high and will not leave much room for "additional work".

Step 1: Choose A Primary Exercise

The first step is setting your primary strength exercise. Your primary exercise will likely be an exercise that demands a lot from your nervous system (squat or deadlift).

Step 2: Choose A Secondary Exercise

Next choose a secondary exercise that opposes the deadlift like the double kettlebell press, push-press, jerk or pull-up

This exercise will have a lower metabolic cost and can be performed more frequently.

Step 3: Choose A "Maintenance Exercise"

3rd is choosing your "maintenance exercise".  This is an exercise(s) you will "practice" on off days like: swings, snatches and getups for active recovery.

And will have the lowest metabolic cost and can be performed almost daily will sub-maximal (lighter) weights.

Step 4: Cycling Your Exercises

Cycling your exercises will keep you fresh, increase performance and remove "the redundancy of training".

applying the 4-step strength development process

Strategy is a crucial piece of the pie to maximize your results, keep you from over-training and ensure you're being as efficient as possible with your workouts.  

Primary Exercise:

You're primary exercise will be performed on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Science and experience has proven over the years--your strength peaks in the middle of the week (Wednesday).

This is where to set your heaviest workouts to ensure you perform at your best.

Secondary Exercise:

As I mentioned, this exercise will have a lower metabolic cost and will consist of: single or double kettlebell presses, push-presses, jerks or pull-ups.

You can also add the kettlebell clean between your presses for a little added "cardio"

This exercise will be super-setted to give you an active rest from your primary exercise or it can be performed at the end of your workout.

Maintenance Exercise:

This is the fun part ;)

You're maintenance exercise will be done on the "in-between-days" (Tue, Thu, Sat) and it to be treated as a "practice" or what I call a "technical day".

Example maintenance exercises: swing, clean, snatch or getups.

Your technical day will be 10-20 minutes long depending on how much time you have available.

Example Practice Sessions:

  • Tuesday: 10 one handed swings (alternating hands each set) on the minute for 10 minutes followed by 10 minutes of getups.

  • Thursday: 5 double cleans on the minute for 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes of getups.

  • Saturday: 5 snatches per side on the minute for 20 minutes.

"The Formula To Getting Stronger"

Cycling Your Exercises 

To keep your training fun, engaging and allow you to stay fresh as possible you will alternate your primary and secondary exercises.

Following this 4 step process allows you to train as often as possible, as heavy as possible and as fresh as possible.

Which according to Professor Vladimir Zatsiorsky, chief biomechanicist for the Soviet Sports in the 80's and author of Science and Practice of Strength Training is the formula to getting stronger.

Example Week:

  • Monday: Deadlift followed by double kettlebell presses.

  • Tuesday: 10 minute swing practice follow by 10 minutes of getups

  • Wednesday: Double kettlebell presses followed by deadlift.

  • Thursday: 15 minute double clean practice followed by 5 minutes of getups.

  • Friday: Deadlift followed by double kettlebell presses.

  • Saturday: 20 minute snatch practice.

Can you see it? 

  • You're training often (6 days) with each session 20 minutes or less.  That's just over 1.5 hours a week.

  • You're training heavy with the deadlift and presses.

  • and you're able to stay fresh as possible by cycling the exercises, waving the intensity and integrating light kettlebell days as recovery.

The following week you would start Monday with the press and Tuesday with the double clean.  Then continue cycling every other week.

You're probably thinking, "this sounds confusing" and perhaps even overwhelming--which is why I don't encourage you to try and tackle this on your own.

Instead I wrote you a comprehensive eBook which covers everything you need to know about adding 10-20 pounds to your deadlift, press or squat while maintaining your kettlebell skills.

Never again will you have to worry about losing your peak strength in either your kettlebell or barbell skills.

All you need to do is grab a copy of--

strength plan 001

Inside I show you an easy-to-follow, minimalist approach to effortlessly add 10-20 pounds to your deadlift, press or squat in 4 weeks *and* still be able to train and improve your kettlebell skills. 

Here's what you get with SP001 and what it will do for you:

  • Take the stress and frustration out of "losing your strength" in the deadlift, press and squat.
  • 4 simple steps: On page 8--I reveal my fool-proof 4 step system to building a bigger deadlift without ever having to max out.
  • The ability to train all of your favorite kettlebell and barbell exercises without having to worry about over training and stay lean year round.
  • How to figure out what weights and percentages to use to maximize your results and get stronger faster.
  • Learn the truth about the 1 rep maxes (1RM) and why you don't need one to get stronger in the deadlift, press and squat so see MASSIVE gains!
  • How to finally build strength and trim body fat at the same time through the powerful combination of both kettlebell and barbell exercises even if you're a new or advanced lifter.
  • Plug-N-Play: Build your own custom program using one of my easy to follow templates to keep your workouts fresh, exciting and boost your daily energy levels.
  • A detailed tutorial video guiding you through the program and answers any question you may have to accelerate your results.
  • End much more...

Following Strength Plan 001, I increased my 5RM by 20 lbs. in four weeks time. If you're a beginning, intermediate or advanced lifter and want to safely and effectively increase your deadlift, I highly recommend working with Hector for your strength coaching and programming needs. He’s very experienced, knowledgeable, helpful and passionate about making people strong.

Nicole D. Owner, BodyStrong by Nicole / SFG Instructor

I managed to bump up my 5 rep max in the barbell front squat from 190-205 pounds and I am only one week into Strength Plan 001!

Mark L. Strength Coach, SFG II

here's what you need to do next

All you need to do next is click the button below and grab your copy of Strength Plan 001.

Typically my programs and courses range from 47 - $97 and coaching with me in person at Hardstyle for 6 months runs $308/mo – but you won't have to invest anywhere near this amount.

In fact...

As a reader of the SAH Blog you can get Strength Plan 001 for a massive 73% discount of:

$97 $27

what about a money back guarantee?

Unfortunately there is no 30 or 60 day money back guarantee.  If you've been following my blog and programs for any period of time...

... you know I design REAL NO-BS programs that bring home the bacon!

check out what other students have to say about my programming

"1-3 rep max improved to a 5 rep max."

After following Hector’s complex program 701A I had a significant increase in strength. My 1-3 rep max improved to a 5 rep max, I even went up a complete bell size. However the biggest improvement and change was in my strength endurance and recovery between sessions. The program was an huge success, thanks Hector!

Maggie B. Owner of Forge Fitness, SFG Instructor

"Ran my last marathon 30 minutes faster"

Training with Hector and following his program only 3 days per week--helped me run my last marathon 30 minutes faster and I felt I could’ve gone another 5 or 6 miles. I did no other strength training, only my normal runs. I didn't even add my traditional "speed days" like I would have done in the past. Everyone needs to work with Hector in his kettlebell program!

Armando R. Elite Marathoner

"Hector's programming is brilliant"

“Hector's programming is brilliant and perfectly challenging. I never had sessions that completely defeated me, but I saw my skills and my strength progressing like I have never seen before. I know I could have never increased my strength and attempted so many lifts at high percentages without Hector’s guidance.

Leah D SFG, Personal Trainer

A note from hector

Hey friend,

Hector here.

5 years ago I was struggling to build my deadlift to where it is now.  I just flat out suck at deadlifting and no matter what program I tried I just couldn't progress.

Mostly because my skill just wasn't there but, as I look back I was also trying to establish one rep maxes (1RM) as a new lifter--which is a HUGE mistake!

And I realized... 

The more I've been around the iron and the longer I remain in the trenches, coaching real "everyday" people like you to become stronger with kettlebells and barbells...

... new lifters don't do well trying to establish 1RM's.

Instead they need to focus on what I call "increasing their 80% strength".  This is exactly what I cover in Strength  Plan 001.

So if you're tired of running in circles, chasing your tail and fed up with not being able to intelligently pair your kettlebell and barbell exercises then click the "ADD TO CART" button below and grab your copy for less than a steak dinner.

Well, at least a GOOD steak dinner ;)



$97 $27

Note: Strength Plan 001 is a digital product. The download page will be sent to your email inbox immediately after your purchase. NO physical items will be shipped.

disclaimer: After recent statements from the Federal Trade Commission, I must disclose what "typical" results you may receive will this program. After reading this sales page the "average" person typically gets really excited and will purchase this program thinking they will *poof* magically receive the same results that my students on this page have, without ever printing the programs and actually doing them. Or worse they will do one of the workouts and complain of how "hard" training with kettlebells and barbells is and then give up.  Well, of course their results will be zero, zilch, nada. Your results on the other hand if you choose to not be "average" and follow the plan as written... well lets just say, I look forward to adding you to my list of successful badasses on this page.  Again, this program is not magic, you must do the work. -Hec

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