Quick message from Hector:

Sup, dude! I'm pumped to see you here on this page and glad you're considering grabbing a copy of Armour Building Secrets.

A couple of quick things.

[1.]  When you click on the gold button below, you'll be taken to my secure order page on ThriveCart.

***IMPORTANT:  Your credit card statement will show a charge for $67USD from “Hardstyle Kettlebell” (that’s the name of my company).***

[2.]  On the order form, please use your PRIMARY EMAIL ADDRESS -- especially if your a past customer. This way all your products will be under the same log in. Delivery of your eBook will be sent to your email immediately after purchase.

[3.] If you're using PayPal and your email for PayPal is different from the email you used when you joined the SAH Newsletter, you will need to contact us after your purchase: support@strongashec.com, so we can make sure you gain access to your purchase.

See you on the other side!

hec g.

hec g.
